Not True Trades

Dear Sirs,

I use IB2C2 software, and sometimes launch trades to C2 that I really don’t make. I killed one system because of this problem and now it has happened again.

I report it as ‘Wrong Trade’ but no one answers… it’s the second time yet.

I don’t know if the truble is at IB2C2 software or C2 itself, but I need a sollution, or at least delete wrong trades since IB2C2 is a software mentioned in your site.

Please Help!!! I can’t continue wasting systems!!!

Thanks in advance,


Punk Trader:

The trade in question, which you say was a “wrong trade,” was indeed submitted by your IB2C2 software program. It was processed properly by C2 as you submitted it.

If you are unsure whether your configuration for your IB2C2 program is correct, or if you feel IB2C2 is not submitting accurate trades to C2, please contact the developer of that software program for support. (I hate to sound like I’m giving you the runaround, but really only the software developer will be able to provide any sort of help.)
