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I noticed C2 offered a very nice simulation feature recently, and lots of friends were enjoying using it. I think it is a very nice tool to allow potential user getting much better understanding of interested strategies.
As a result of this, starting next week, I would like to remove the 7-day trial from my strategy, in the meanwhile the monthly fee will be reduced from $99 to $89.
here is my suggestion. because the simulation doesn’t allow anything under 100% scale it may just scare people away. If you rescale your system to $50k it will allow more people to align your system close to what they may trade also many people search for systems that are lower priced in value. If you’re here to make money this is the way to go.
Thanks TT3 for your suggestion, it is a very valuable point. But before doing that, I will double check with C2 make sure its not impact current performance data, subscriber scale (some users uses their own scales) and etc. Thanks, Henry