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There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider
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before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
I have TOS system and I did 24% return in last month on my Real money.
but by TOS system here is losing money same month.
when I check this I found that Typical broker commissions trade costs of Options on this system is 2.8-3 per option per side.
I pay less then 1$ per side for option
why this pricing changed from the past?
IB Broker don’t take so much money on auto trading
please some help
I see better pricing on other option system when I check “Typical broker commissions trade costs” of Options
Hi, I contacted the C2 helpdesk on this as well some month ago on this issue. Looking at my options trades in the track record of my C2 strategy ( they calculate $10.90 typical broker commissions for one roundtrip. Looking at my IB account statements the commissions are beetween $1.50 and $3.00 per roundtrip.
C2 stated that $10.90 commissions is the average and they’re forced by regulatory authority to include these higher commissions as typical commissions.
Changing the broker selection in the strategies summary statistics to “Interactive Brokers commis. (no monthly AutoTrade fees)” changes the total anual return, but it does’nt change the profits and losses in the track record. The help on the commission shows that C2 now calculates with $0.70 per option which means $1.50 per roundtrip, per option.
That’s more realistic.
C2 look less relevant these days!!!
i did 21% return this month on my Real IB account
my TOS system “amazing options” show 1.8% return
ITS funny but also SAD - people thinks i loose money but my results are great.
When i check other systems options cost i see 1$ per options cost in the model vs 3-4 $ in my TOS system.
then when i make 5$ gains per option i loose money here Vs 3-4$ gains in my Real money account.
i can’t trust or use this system or build new system when i see such differnce of options cost in system X vs system Z or system Y.
of course you can check it
when i ask c2 help desk i didn’t get any affective and rational answer
look other system cost is for 10 options 10$ so 1$ per option
i know my options commission in IB is great. 0.5 is number i meet usually.
But its can’t be that on my TOS system here the model cost is 3-4$ in my system while in other systems its 1$.