Is anybody having problems publishing signals? It is hanging when trying to place orders, quick trade etc. None of the orders are getting executed. Could not cancel orders either.
What is going on? Whay aren’t you responding to my emails. Where is your customer support? I need help in placing orders? None of the GTC orders are getting through. Please respond.
Orders are going through now, but still unable to cancel previously pending orders, which seems to be just dead orders.
Paul, same problem with one system.
It is awfull, because we can never cancel orders and/or enter new limit and stop orders when such bugs occur. That is because some auto-traders have been filled. I already said 3 times to Matthew it is not acceptable to have a system frozen for hours due to auto-traders!
Who is managing my systems, me or the auto-trading software?
We cannot exit trades for hours due to a bug, that’s ridiculous.