TechSignal has a very high 6+ Calmar ratio (high profit vs drawdown), 3:1 profit factor, 90% ROI in less than a little over 7 months, 87% monthly win rate, trades small positions, only takes $25K to trade. So, what does it take to get subscibers interested if these trading metrics arent good enough? Especially when trading futures. TechSignal has one sim following it. Does TechSignal not get enough exposure…is there something we can do to get it noticed that would really make a difference?
to make a difference:
- keep smaller drawdowns, preferably about half of your current MDD
- stop martingale-like trading with excessive leverage during with high drawdown
Example: your short trade that ended in a loss on Dec 18th opened short, and you added to the short position 6 times, each one opened as the market was going against the trade. your leverage shot up to > 15x during this time, due to this and several other concurrent trades. this approach leads to you your average LOSS being about 25% larger than your average WIN.
On C2, people recognize and tend to shy away from this type of trading behavior because it can (and often does) lead to catastrophic strategy failure. While it’s working, the gains can be enormous and attractive. When it fails, the failure is abject and costly to subscribers.
3. Trade your own system and get TOS certified. Many C2 investors will not consider a strategy with less than one year’s history if it is not TOS certified.
Good luck.
You could promote your system, more details here :
I don’t think C2 subscribers are necessarily investors. Investors are looking for a profit in the long run, years or decades from now, while most subscribers here, in my opinion, are essentially looking for a regular income now, every week or every month for instance.
That does not seem to be the case at all, some young systems (less than a month old) attract tons of subscribers almost immediately, while older equally profitable strategies can sometimes go unnoticed for months or years. And TOS does not appear to play a significant role in the system selection process.
Yes, but I really don’t think that the average potential C2 subscriber is out there looking for systems with high Calmar ratios, assuming he knows what this metric represents in the first place.
In fact the Calmar ratio does not even exist on the Grid. so there is no way he can conduct such a search.
Then they are not very well informed investors…the Calmar ratio is on the main strategy page listed under statistics.
your issues with my comments are spot on, if a bit defensive. but a simple look at the leverage pattern with your strategy, where leverage is piled on during your drawdowns, is enough to tell some C2 subscribers that this strategy has a higher risk of failure. true enough, not all C2 subscribers are here for the long run+TOS, and those high-flying strategies do attract customers that don’t care about TOS, but those strategies just don’t last and that’s that. I hope both of you beat the odds and have successful high-return strategies that last and last… but I won’t be your subscriber, and that’s ok for both me and you.
After some research I noticed that TOS systems are no better (or worse) than non-TOS (randomly selected) systems.
In other words, a trader following his buy/sell signals with his own money is not necessarily a guarantee that he will deliver superior performance with less risk.
A TOS system may or may not outperform the market with less drawdown, but there is no way to find the winning TOS strategy in advance.
Agree, of course not. Absolutely true. But at the same time, there are numerous C2 subscribers who vastly prefer to “invest” rather than “trade” and include TOS as a part of their decision-making. They may not be everyone’s target subscribers, but they are C2 subscribers for whom TOS makes a difference.
if you don’t believe in your system enough to trade it on your money, when why do you think others should believe in it?
Some traders can build a good trading system but are unable to trade it, for psychological reasons mainly (they have no discipline and/or cannot handle the stress that comes with trading, for instance).
A trading system developer and a trader are two different things, even though you can do both.
I would understand “no discipline” point, which can be solved developing the trading bot placing trades according to the rules. But if someone has the high level of stress trading their own system, then it tells only about low level of trust in their own system.
For the system in question, I understand the developers point about TOS - risking 44% of capital in a single trade for sure leads to the following conclusion:
By the way this is the strategy of the same trade system developer from 2022:
Good find. This explains why the strategies are not TOS.
Are there discord channels where Investors and Traders interact?
That was a totally different strategy than TechSignal. TechSignal is not only a better designed strategy in terms of profitability but more importantly in trade execution, both entry and exit. All I ask is that you just follow and watch TechSignal. Thank you all for your input. All very much appreciated.